Bulletin of tourism and geography

2020-09-09 17:21
A popular science magazine about tourism, geography, travel and local history is published in Pavlodar. For almost six years, it was released and sent out by email in electronic form, as a simple PDF file. But recently, the publication began to be printed. It is called "Bulletin of the Pavlodar house of geography".

This magazine consists of 80% of materials about the Pavlodar Priirtyshye. The rest of the content is dedicated to other regions of the country and abroad. Articles and notes are written by certified geographers (including cartographers) and tourism specialists, ecologists and historians, zoologists and geologists, botanists and professional journalists. Some authors have academic degrees. For example, in the last issue (#17), the Central topic was an interesting article about butterflies that live only in the Pavlodar region, written by the entomologist, candidate of biological Sciences Sergey Titov. And the text on a field near the village of Waterloo written by the doctor of historical Sciences, historian Azamat Asanaliev.

The magazine is written in a language that can be understood by adults and children. It created by those who are good at science: postgraduates, bachelors, masters, postgraduates, candidates and doctors of science, as well as media workers: active correspondents of domestic publications, editors, proofreaders, press service employees. The editor of the magazine is Rufina Torpishcheva, who welcomes readers with her opening speech in each issue.

The magazine also tells about local attractions, so that tourists can learn about many things: about Pavlodar Rivers and meadows, about natural monuments and archeology, beautiful streets that have a rich past and their own unusual modern self. Also you can find information about «Eightht mile» sports Cycling Center of the Pavlodar house of geography in the city of Ekibastuz created by volunteers.

Texts written by experts may be used by those who write research papers in school, in secondary or higher education. For example, a professional geographer Murabek Omarov recently published a material about the lakes of the Bayanul district with data on the depths, areas of these reservoirs, their correct names, and so on.

Authors are creative and not indifferent to working on texts. For example, Pavel Leonov, a geography teacher from the Pavlodar school, personally prepares these traditional dishes in order to write material for the culinary section "Have a nice meal" about the cuisines of the peoples of the world. It is also interesting to read the travel notes of the magazine's authors about Dushanbe, Antalya, the Dominican Republic, Gomel, Tashkent and other cities and countries of our planet.

How to purchase? You can order the issue of «the Bulletin of the Pavlodar house of geography» by contacting the public Association of volunteers who produce it, by phone number 8 705 614 22 54 or by e-mail The magazine will cost 900 tenge. The proceeds from the sale of the publication will be focused on measures for environmental protection, work with children, regional research and other activities brought by geography house.

Anton Sergeev