Many entrepreneurs, who have invested a lot of money have no choice but to calculate losses. For small vacationers, rest on Alakol was the best way out. Since here nothing reminds of a pandemic. The water, however, is extremely cool, which is absolutely not typical for July.
Boats, bananas and scooters also plow the lake and prices are getting more optimistic. For example, if you used to make an excursion to the main attraction of the lake - Snake Island, it cost 5,000 tenge per person, but now payment is 1000 tenge.
On the plates at the entrance to shops, cafes and pharmacies, it is recommended to observe the mask mode. But they are worn - only a few of tourists, and оnly during the evening walk. Only ones, who wear masks all day, are police officers. True, on the chin.
In pharmacies, there is aspirin, an antibiotic - cefazalin, which can be bought without a prescription from a doctor. The lack of customers affects the assortment of stores. There are no vegetables and fruits, but it is full of barbecue, sun, air and a lake.
Asel Akhmetova
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